I think it means making people a real part of your journey on this earth. It's not just in the big things, like long talks, sharing burdens, helping each other out at our lowest, and partying at our best. It's eating dinner together, going out for lunch together, hanging out and watching TV together, doing chores together, sharing your hobbies with each other. Things like that.
I think that true community is making an effort, and being somewhat spontaneous, not just seeing each other at meetings and gatherings. If the only community we have with each other is church and/or cell, and we don't make an effort to integrate one another into the day-to-day, we're really just two people who happen to like to chat at a meeting we both happen to attend.
I know a bunch of people who really love community, and love to talk about community, but I don't really see the evidence of this true (and Biblical) community in their lives. It's these same people who always talk about community, but don't seem to have it in their schedule.
Community comes at a price, you see. It comes at the price of giving up your time and resources, and essentially, a part of your life, to others. It requires sacrifice at times, especially at those times when certain members seem to be more at need.
I've been thinking on the topic of loneliness recently, and on the topic of community.
I think that in a true community, people don't feel lonely and separated from the others (all unGodly beliefs, etc. aside).
This is the kind community I want to be a part of. I hope you do too.
Acts 2:42-47 is a great example of a true community, one that seemed to mean that people integrated one another into their lives daily and it seems that that community of love and fellowship seemed to thrive (as God was adding to their numbers daily). Now, I think that due to culture and other factors, daily community is a bit much for us here in the Western world. That being said, I think we use our busyness as an excuse. I know I have. And though I want to be a part of a thriving, loving, inclusive and pervasive community, I can't do it alone. Anyone out there wanting to help a brother out?
Just some thoughts from the heart and head of Matt Mitchell here. These are just my opinions based on observations in my own life, and my thoughts on what the Bible has to say on it. Let me know what you think eh.