Wednesday, October 14, 2009


the harder the attack, the greater is the victory
the more devastating the loss, the better is the redemption
the dryer the desert, the more bountiful is the harvest
the deeper the persecution, the more beautiful is the reward
the darker the path, the brighter is the future
the tougher the season, the more joyous is the breakthrough
the more painful the death, the greater is the resurrection


Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Law

I was on the bus today, thinking about how driving and how some people
just do stupid, sometimes illegal things. I thought about how one of
the typical "road ragey" driver lines for such an instance is,
"doesn't he know how to drive!? Doesn't he know the law!?"
It's funny how people understand why the government makes laws to help
protect us and keep us safe, to keep society on track, so to speak.
Than I thought about how God has done the same thing with laws for us
for life and yet people don't seem to get that.
It's interesting how people look at God's laws. I think people see
them as something to be obtained, as though the completion and
obedience of the law is the destination of life, the outcome. Again, I
wondered how people don't make the connection. The laws of the road
aren't our destination, they're guidelines to help us (everyone) get
to our destination. It's the same with God's laws. Obeying his
commandments isn't our goal as Christians or humans, obeying his
commandments is a tool to help us to get there successfully. The
destination is intimate relationship with him.
As Bobby Conner would say, "Ain't he good!"
