Wednesday, July 4, 2007

An Update of the Times

Good day reader! This is a little update of sorts as there has been much going on and little online telling of it! I also decided to finally put up the story of how I received my Taylor guitar last year, as I just realized that I have not yet put it online! Look for that in the next post!
So, to the update!
Well, after much, much, much soul-searching, researching, thinking, and praying I have decided that I feel God, and my heart, are leading me to a life in ministry. After leaving Centennial College's Child and Youth Worker Program for many reasons, but primarily that things just seemed to add up to it not being right for me, for me not to be continuing there. I felt that I had no other choice, and can't really go into all the reasons why. Sufficed to say, I'm not there anymore, I took the year off to figure out the reasons why things went down the way they did, and what I am going to do now. I worked, and worked, and worked, and was going on with my regular other business with church and such, and just taking it easy. Well, after doing some reading, and thinking, and etc., I've come to do a place, like I said, where I feel led to ministry. I want to do worship, for a profession. It is where my heart is, to see the people of God press in deeper and see growth and change in worship. I want for the church to experience a fuller, deeper, more intimate, more glorious worship. I want to help churches who need more of that. I want to help churches to train up their teams, deal with their problems in worship, plan conferences, write songs, record albums, and be a consultant of sorts to help churches get from where they are in worship, to a new place and stay that way.
So, after coming to a glimpse of this, I thought to my self, "Self, I should go and do some schooling to be really equipped to do just this!"
I looked at different schools in the GTA, different programs and etc.. I looked at TACF's School of Ministry, and some other Christian College programs. Nothing really took me, until...
I don't know how it came to me to look into going to Australia, but some how it did. I found the Hillsong Church's International Leadership College, which is AWESOME. So, I looked at the info, and did some research, and prayed and thought about it. You know, nothing really appealed to me like this did. It was the only school that "made my baby jump."
I've decided, logically, to go into the stream of Worship & the Creative Arts (specifically music). They have three programs, a one year Certificate IV, a two year Diploma, or a three year Advanced Diploma in Ministry. I decided on the two year diploma, it just felt best. I may stay and apply for the third year for the Advanced Diploma, not sure yet. So yeah, I leave in January, and can't be more excited.

I'm still at Hillstreams Christian Fellowship in Markham, my home, my primary church. I've been also attending the Sunday night TACF (Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship) Central site church too. It's a young adult church which is AWESOME! I love it, it's great because I don't have many young adult peers at Hillstreams. It's been great, great people. I've joined a cell group and have awesome cell leaders! (Shout out to Mark and Bethany if you read this! WHOOP WHOOP!)

I quit Starbucks, like just last week. Which is good. I'm kinda relieved actually, even though I have nothing lined up yet. But God is good, and has given me great peace about it. I was talking to someone and he asked me "are you scared?"
"No," I answered.
"Are you scared that you're not scared?"
"Actually, yes, I am."
So yeah, I'm not really scared, but I'm kinda scared about not being scared, I mean, I have bills to pay, and no job, but hey, God is big enough to take care of me, and I feel that he is behind me with this, so worry I will not!

I'm leaving for a week this Saturday, we're going up to a cottage we rent from some friends of friends every year. We get the entire family together and all pour into this little cottage on the lake. It's lots of fun, I'm looking forward to it. It will be a good time and a great chance to connect with God in a new place and just relax and spend some time with him, and with family.

That's pretty much it for the update...


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