This may sound cheesy, but church has changed my life. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my church and ALL the people I have met and befriended. This list includes my closest friends, which is probably about five people; some good friends whom I really enjoy talking and spending time with; people whom I consider to be friends, but I don't necessarily hang out with often; and casual acquaintances. My list of TACF people is over 100! OVER 100! In less than One Year! Wow...
I'm just so amazed at the goodness of God. I remember crying out to God a year ago for friends my age, for a place to connect with other young adults and grow relationships. I also prayed about planting a church, as it's something I've wanted to do for a while. Then there's the music thing, I've grown musically and have had a bunch of great opportunities here too!
He is so faithful, and such a great redeemer. I remember long periods of my life where I had no peer friends, and now I am so abundantly blessed with friends it brings tears to my eyes as I write this.
I love you guys. You know who you are, and you should know that I love you and treasure you dearly, and pray for you. I thank God for you pretty much daily, often several times in a day.
I am so blessed.
P.S.: I'm still working on putting together and organizing my next blog, which is on favour. Keep checking!
Welcome Back to the Blog Scene... I look forward to reading your frequent blogs... yes... that's prophetic :-)
Matt, it's totally because you have the best School of Champions 2 class ever!!
Hahaha, it's true.
Steve Roy is awesome!
haha, and you too Kam...
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