So, this Friday I get my first paycheck from my new job at TACF. It feels so good to be working again, full time, making the dough. I worked part-timeish for free for the church for a few months, and loved it, but it's so great to have a real job there. I have my own desk and my own phone, my own extension and email address, a staff badge, and all that jazz. I feel so appreciated, so loved, so acknowledged for the practical and worky stuff I can do.
I think that part of it is a guy thing, we like to work and provide, even if just for ourselves. We want to make our way and bring home the bread. I don't have a family or anything, but it's nice to know that I'm at least going to be able to be self-sufficient soon, instead of living off of others (my parents).
I'm planning to move out soon, preferrably in the fall, I think. I really hope I'm able to, it's something I've wanted to do for quite a while, and something I'm looking forward to. Much of it is a faith thing though, I beleive that God is behind me and supports it, so I'm believing he's going to help me find a great place for a great price and great roommates to live with. He's just cool like that.
Back to the whole job thing though. I struggled with the fact that I felt useless and empty without work when I didn't have any, but I continued to struggle with the idea that I was so shallow when I started work. It bugged me that I based my contentment, and perhaps even part of my identity, on whether or not I'm working. I know that God makes me wait long periods of time for work frequently and then rewards my patience with a good job, it's kind of been a pattern. I'm really praying and hoping and having faith that this will be a lasting job though, and that if and when I move on, it's not because I have to leave, but because God is calling me to something bigger. I hope that it wouldn't be this weird and sucky period of unemployment, but moreso a transition. I don't know why I'm thinking about that already, I just started two weeks ago. I guess I'm weird...
Why is it though that we base so much of our selves on our jobs? They don't define us, they're just our livelihood, but who really believes that? I try to, I really do, but I find so much contentment in the fact that I'm working somewhere I like and stuff. I don't know, perhaps I just need to grow up and learn what it's like to really know who I am despite what I do or don't do. Though, I think we all do...
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