Sunday, December 21, 2008

Doing some thinking about doing and doing what I've been thinking.

I had a bit of a "revelation" recently. Why just think about and plan
what you want to do when you can actually do it? I've made some
decisions recently to do some of the things that I've wanted to do for
a little while. I've also set some timelines on some other things. A
while ago I talked to the guys in my cell group about goals and dreams
and about just going for it in life. So I've made some decisions to
start doing some things for next year. I'd like to start playing live
in coffee shops and stuff. So I'm writing more songs and practicing
more. I'm going to be taking voice lessons again shortly too. I've
started practicing some design skills on the computer again. I've made
some new spiritual commitments with some friends. I'm trying to take
better care of my health. I'm trying to be the man I want to be and do
the things I want to do.
I recently lost my last grandparent, my mom'e father. He wasn't a
Christian, but he lived his life the way he wanted. On his terms. He
did what he wanted when he wanted to do it.
It's time for me to really seize life. Another thing I really want to
do more of is talk to people about Jesus. It's fun and so important,
and is definitely something I need to do more.
Jesus never lived a hesitant life, he just went and did all the he
knew he was supposed to do. That's how I want to live. And that's
how I'm going go live. Won't you join me?


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