Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm a hugger, what can I say?

So, I'm watching one of my favourite tv shows, Scrubs, and on Scrubs, they tend to make extreme and quirky one-time characters. On the episode of Scrubs I just watched, the quirky character is "Jimmy the overly touchy resident". Jimmy tends to come up behind people and give 'em a hug of squeeze or feel of the sort.
I have to admit, this quirky, crazy, touchy-feely guy reminds me much of myself. I express myself physically to people I love, what can I say? I love a good hug! I'm not a really conservative or reserved person, so I have no problems with hugs and such, and I think that's good!
I'm a hugger, what can I say?

"Brothers don't shake hands! Brothers hug!" -from the movie "Tommy Boy"



Kamela said...

no. that is from the movie, tommy boy, tommy says it when he meets his step brother for the first time.

Trust me, i know this. Tommy Boy is my back up religion.

Anonymous said...

Ah, wrong Chris Farley Movie.