Friday, March 19, 2010


 I think this recent, albeit short, bout of warm weather was for me.  The Lord so decided to arrange it to encourage me.  Sorry to burst your bubble on that, if you were thinking it was for you, or otherwise, but it was for me.  I really, really needed it.
  This morning, in our Staff Chapel service at work, my friend Jon Long lead us in worship and felt that God was taking us into a Spring-like season in our lives and hearts, not just in the weather.  I really feel truth in that (spot on Jon!).  It's amazing how the warm weather has just brightened people's spirits!  It's certainly brightened mine.

  This will be my first Spring in the High Park area, and I'm just delighted to be here.  Soon the trees will grow their leaves again, the grass will glow green again, and the smell of fresh plant life will be in the air.  It makes me happy just thinking about it!  God is so good to me, having me here.  My apartment is perfect for me.  My roommate is great, my area is great, my apartment is great, my friends are SUPER AWESOME great, my church is great, my family is great, my work is great.  I'm so flipping blessed!!!
  It's interesting how the warm, fresh weather has brought all my blessings to my attention.  I don't know exactly why it makes me feel so elated, but who cares, it's great!

Mr. Spring

oh what great gifts he brings, Mr. Spring
the smell in the air filled with new life
songs for birds, the warmth of the sun, grass that's green
colourful flowers too!

he brings the rain and the ground drinks deep
the trees start to dance and come alive with his joy
and even the waters cannot be still any more
all of nature rejoices, it's their party time

what a tease he is, that Spring!
a warm day here, a gentle breeze there
he builds our anticipation
and when we're most longing for him he makes us wait a little more

I know you are close, so hurry up Spring
stop making us wait
bring us your splendour and your exuberance again!
we are waiting, waiting, waiting...
waiting for you, Mr. Spring

-Matt Mitchell

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