Saturday, July 19, 2008

"God Time"

Everything seems to go better when you're having regular "God time". It can also be said that everything seems to go down the toilet when you're not having regular "God time".
To be truthful, I've been pretty lax with my time with God recently. I started working and getting a lot busier and started giving God less of my time. It's been pretty sucky, and perhaps it's even starting to show (?). I really need to get back to that.

I've never been a big journaller, but I do enjoy prayer and reading the Bible. I think my favourite thing to do with God though is worship. I love giving him praise and telling him about how awesome he is. I think he likes it too. I've been so busy lately, and tired, and sometimes discouraged, and it's really hampered the time with Daddy. I think that now that I'm working full-time it's going to take more effort and I'm going to have to be more diligent in scheduling God into my day and my week. It's going to take more sacrifice and more drawing of boundaries and such to make sure I get the time in, but it'll be worth it. I think that when it requires more of us there's a greater reward. On top of that greater reward, there's a higher level of discipline learned and diligence practised, which I'm all for growing in. Although, I should be careful in writing that. Those things have a way of coming back in biting me in the ass (spiritually speaking. And yes, I did just write 'ass' in my Christian blog! Shocking, I know).

All this to say, spend time with God people. It does you good.

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