Sunday, October 28, 2007

Time Machine

"If I only had a time machine, what changes I would make
If I could slow down the rushing winds of time
If I could control the clock's tick-tocking
If I could tell the future to slow it down
Tell the past to change itself
Tell the present to just hold on
If I only had a time machine"
-Matt Mitchell

So I leave for Australia in seventy days. That's not a lot of time. That's a little under two and a half months. What can be done in two and a half months? Let's make a little list:



Not much, I guess.

Not much at all. This seems to be the problem, not much can be done. There is still so much to do though, so where does this leave me? Frustrated and afraid. I should say that that's where it would tend to leave me, but I refuse to be left in a place like that, not all too friendly a place to be left at all! So, after being left there I decided to move. I would move from frustration and fear to faith and confidence. Hmmm, yes, faith and confidence is a much nicer place to be left, looking around it seems much more pleasant. There is less darkness here, it is sunnier and brighter, and it smells better too (gotta love metaphors).

Here are things still left to do:

Obtain passport
Schedule doctors appointments
Obtain student visa
Book plane ticket
Work out kinks and obtain student loan from OSAP
Have enough money (kind of an important one, eh?)
Dump cell phone contract
Get my G2
And I'm sure a bunch of other things I just can't be bothered to fathom and worry about right now.
-insert long, sad sigh here-
So yes. Yes, yes yes.
I believe that God is good. I believe he is eternally and endlessly faithful and will see this through and make a way.
Some good news, breaks of sunshine on the horizon:

I got a new job starting a couple weeks making a significantly better wage.
Someone from my parents' church told me that she would give me some money.

Awesome things that just show God's great grace, mercy, favour, and faithfulness.
I believe in miracles! And it's not because of some sexy thing, just in case you were wondering, it's because God is God. Just thought I'd make that clear. Good!

Okay, so, I don't know if anyone reads these, but if you've gotten this far, congratulations and thank you! Please pray for me, and help me. Please help me. I love you!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Poem For Your Thoughts?

So, I was going to write a song, and this came out.  I figured it was more a poem than a lyric for music and song, so I wrote as such.  I can't think of a title for it, but maybe that's a good thing, some poems aren't meant to have titles.  It's a bit of a change of pace from my devotions, but it's a bit of a plea to God, so we'll count it as such and leave it in here.  It's also going in another blog of mine.  

Old men are crying as young men are dying 
The world is all lying and they do it all smiling 
The children, in awe of the world they'll inherit 
One without honour without love without merit
They look at the stars and in curiosity wonder 
Will they be the ones to fix all our blunders?
What did they do to deserve it all? 
Such big problems for their hearts so small 
Maybe it will get better, maybe God will come through 
He always seems to know what to do
So why don't we talk to him, on our knees we will pray 
Oh God, would you come and show us the way? 
Would you be like superman and save the day? 
All we want is to go out and play!
And God will look down, with a smile on his face 
He'll know that in this troubled world, still some have his faith 
And maybe if we repent and turn from our ways
He'll come heal our land and bless the rest of our days

My next devotion is going to be on favour, but I'm still working on it.  Stay tuned!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Watch out North York!

So, just a little blog here about what's been going on recently.

I'm still planning and praying (fervently) for my preparations for Hillsong College.  I'm still in need, desperately, and still putting my faith in God to come through with all the finances and things.

But in the meantime, here in Toronto, the newest and coolest thing right now is my new church TACF North York.  We just launched last Sunday and we've been having lots of fun!  God has been moving and is doing some cool stuff.  Awesomely cool, amazing, fantastic leaders and people.  I love 'em!  It's so nice to be so included, welcomed, needed, and appreciated there with people like me who like me!  Not to mention that I am learning so much about God, ministry, and life and stuff there.  God has been testing me too, he's been getting me to surrender more and taking me out of myself, tearing me away from my will and self.  Especially with service, music and my guitar.  But he is faithful, and rewarding!  Next Sunday I'm sharing in cell group and I'm playing in worship with a good friend of mine whom I've wanted to play with for a long time!  
God is good, and he'll come through!  I can't wait for him to just blow me away and take me to a new level.  
If you live in Toronto, or the Toronto area, come by North York one Sunday night!  We meet in the bottom of the civic centre right next to Mel Lastman Square at 6 pm.  It's good times!