Monday, August 4, 2008

22 and still kicking

Yes, I know, it's not that old.

I've never been 22 before ('no duh', I know, I'm being clever), and I'm trying to figure it out. Is there really anything to figure out? Hmmm.... Does each year have it's own uniqueness, or is that just the cliche we quote to make every year feel special and memorable? Oh well...

I was listening to the radio today in the car on the way to pick up my new computer (oh yeah, I got a new computer. It's flippin' sweet!) and heard a short list of famous people also born on August 4th. Here're some of them:

And that's just a few! Look at all the cool famous people born on the same day of the year as me! The Queen Mum for goodness sakes! Crazy...

I had a smashing party last night. I invited about 180 friends to come and eat and drink and be merry with me at the Fox & Firkin pub. I was expecting about 30 people, and nearly 40 showed! Some people I didn't know, some I didn't expect, and some I wouldn't expected to be anywhere else. It was amazing. I love my friends, and they love me (as the evidence showed). How great is our God to bless me with such an amazing smörgåsbord of people in my life!

All this to say, I am 22, God bless me, and I can't wait to see what this next year of life brings. There's a precedent set for God's goodness in my life, and I'm quite excited to see him pass it.

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