Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I love music.  It really influences my moods and feelings.  

It can calm me, or it can agitate me
It can make me feel good, or make me feel sad
It can edify my spirit, or make me feel ill with the evil it spews
It can help me focus, but it can also distract me
It can help me wake, or help me sleep
It can make me think, or make me feel
It can worship God, or it can spit in his face
It can bring unity, or cause division
It can express our love for each other, and the lack there of
It's composed of systems and rules, yet it can be so freeing
It can be predictable or spontaneous 
It is endless, there will always be music, and there always has been
It cannot be avoided, it's everywhere
It is in our very souls, and it's transient from outside us to inside us
It gets "stuck in our heads", but we can't help but let it out
It can be whatever we make it, it is subject to our decisions, it is ours to shape

Music came from God, he made it, and he gave it to us.  Music always has been, and always will be.  It is an immersing media that all people can receive and relate to.  It entrances us, it is what we make it, but we can't help but make it certain things.  We control its fate, but are we not controlled by the things it tells us?
Out of all the creative outlets I've tried, music is by far my favourite, which is probably why I've stuck with it longer than the others.  I love listening to it, and I love making it.  I feel so honoured to be able to produce it and write it and share it with others and give it to God.  Call me a cheesy Christian, but worship music is my favourite music.  Even music that isn't straight up "I love Jesus", but gives glory to God, is worship to me.  Worship music is the original music, and it's the only everlasting music.  Worship is my favourite thing to do with music.
Don't get me wrong, I love non-worship music, I listen to tonnes of it, and I write some of it too, it has its own dedicated beauty and expression and purpose that's completely unique and necessary.  But worship music, is just that, it's worship music.  Other than spending time with people and building relationship, worshipping God is my favourite thing to do.  It's just...  fun.

"Music is powerful"  -  Jarred Dunn

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